Pitman Road

Staff & Leadership

The staff and leadership here at Pitman Road are comprised of men and women who love, care, and pray for our church family.

Ministerial Staff

Joey Peacher

Preaching Minister

Support Staff

Dottie Grillo - Office Manager

Kate Ikeorha - Administrative Assistant


Mike Broyles

Mike began attending Pitman Road in 1982 while a student at nearby Rowan University. Tina joined him in 1985, after being a life-long member at a nearby congregation. They were married in 1986, and have two young adult children: Jessica, who is a nurse in Little Rock, AR, and Jacob, a student at Harding University. They also have a daughter-in-law, Hope. Mike works as a high school Special Education Department Coordinator/teacher and Tina is a retired Special Education teacher in an elementary school. Mike was appointed as an elder in 2012. Mike serves as one of our worship leaders, and also works with our sound technology. He frequently teaches adult Bible classes. In the past he was active in our Teen Ministry and served as a deacon for many years. Tina is active in our Women’s Ministry and teaches children's Bible classes. Together they host/lead a LIFE Group. Mike and Tina are passionate about caring for the members of our congregation, often visiting those who are ill, hurting, hospitalized, and homebound.


Dan Cooper

Dan and Katherine began their ministry at Pitman Road in November of 1984, after having served at the Vineland Church of Christ where they moved to minister as newly-weds. They were married in 1972, and moved to Vineland in 1973. While in Vineland, they had four children. Andrew now holds an MBA, CPA, and is a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) managing his own financial consulting Company, Cooper Eagle. Andrew’s wife, Jennifer, is currently working as a human resource director. They have two daughters. Becky is a Registered Nurse, and her husband Matt, a PhD in Apologetics from Westminster Seminary, are ministering to a church in Maryland. They have four children. Luke is a professor at Widner University in Philadelphia and is married to Sean. Dan and Katherine's "baby", Rachel, works for Lockeed Martin and lives in Oregon with her husband, Ben, and their two children. Dan moved from a paid ministry position to serving the congregation as a shepherd in June, 2021.


Brian Holden

Brian and Cindy became members of the Pitman Road church in 1993. They were married in 1994 and have one adult son, Andrew, who is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, and is an officer in the US Army. Brian is a lab technician at a sand mining company and Cindy is a certified veterinary technician. Brian was appointed an elder in 2016. Brian served as a deacon in Body Life and Fellowship and as a LIFE group leader. He also teaches adult Bible classes. Cindy continues to be involved in the Children's Ministry and helps with the Praise Team. Cindy is an excellent baker, and her desserts are favorites at church get-togethers! Brian and Cindy are known for their kindness. Their focus is on building personal relationships with our members and continuing to plan congregational bus trips and outings. Past trips include many shows at Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA, Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., and a number of Broadway shows. With Brian and Cindy, even the time spent on the bus is fun…games, prizes, and movies are often included!


Andy Mychajlowycz

Andy and Donna became members of the Pitman Road church in 2015. They were married in 1988 and have two daughters, Cassandra (married to Kase, with one child, Tristan) and Jacqueline (married to Aaron, with one child, Myles). Cassie is a primary school and ESL teacher in Nashville, and speaks two foreign languages, French and Spanish, and has completed her Masters in Teaching. Jackie teaches at a university in the UK, and has completed her Doctorate in International Business. Andy and Donna led the youth group and married group at the Princeton Church. They then lived in Switzerland for 12 years where Andy preached and served at the Geneva Church as an elder while also working in the corporate world in a variety of international positions. He understands several languages. Donna volunteered as an accountant and worked as an assistant to the director of an international school. Andy currently works as the Executive Director of Camp Manatawny, a Christian Camp, and Donna works as a Finance Manager at an industrial scale company. Andy was appointed an elder at Pitman in 2021. He has served as a LIFE Group leader and a deacon in the Welcome Ministry. He also enjoys being an adult Bible class teacher. Donna serves as the church treasurer, in the Ladies’ ministry, and in Secret Sisters. Andy and Donna love to travel and Andy has been to 90 countries around the world. They both love socializing and building committed relationships with others.


John Peoples

John and Brenda became members of the Pitman Road church in 2004, after they had been long-time active members at another area congregation. They were married in 1991, and have two young adult children who are both active in the Pitman Road church. Corey, a college student, is studying and pursuing a career in radio, TV, and film. Active in the young adult ministry, he is a frequent speaker at Pitman Road, and also at a worship service at a local senior community. Brianna, outgoing and energetic is pursuing a career in the military; she enjoying mission trips, and is active in our youth and young adult ministries. John is a supply chain manager for a manufacturing company, and Brenda is a homemaker. John was appointed as an elder in 2016, after serving as a deacon for ten years, overseeing the New Member Involvement ministry. John and Brenda are both frequent Bible class teachers, LIFE Group leaders, and have served at Camp Manatawny together. John is involved in the Men’s Prayer Time ministry, and Brenda is involved with the Women’s Ministry. Brenda is very much a quiet servant, and can often be found being the hands and feet of Jesus behind the scenes to our members. John is a “heart” guy; his focus is always on the spiritual growth of our congregation.

Our Deacons & Ministry Leaders


Like our elders, our deacons meet the qualifications of leadership that are recorded in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. 

Tim Davis - Young Married

Tony DeStefano - Body Life & Fellowship 

Brian Mansdoerfer - Building Maintenance

Chuck Olley - Caring and Sharing

Steve Pierre-Jacques - Audio/Visual; Information Technology; Website

Jay Schneider - Serving Our Seniors

Carl Steiner - World Evangelism

Manny Vander Vennen - Teen/Kids for Christ

Ministry Leaders

We also have a number of men and women who serve as ministry leaders in our various ministries.

John and Kathy Ashton - Family Promise

Melody Davis - Women's Ministry

Debby Durham - Women's Ministry

Sherri Herndon - Church Directory

Robin Steward - Children's Ministry and Education

Andy Mychajlowycz - LIFE Groups; Welcome Ministry

Becky Vander Vennen & Sue Ward - Pantry