Our Beliefs and Values

Lives centered on the Gospel of Christ

Our Core Beliefs

The Bible is the inspired word of God.

Psa 119:105; Mt 4:4; 2 Ti 3:16

There is one God, existing as God the Father, our Creator; God the Son, our Lord and Savior; and God the Spirit, our Helper.

Mt 28:19-20; Col 2:9; Jn 14:9; Jn 14:16-17; Ge 1:26

Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died to reconcile humanity with God. He rose from the dead and later ascended into Heaven. He will come again.

1 Co 15:3-4; Jn 3:16; Jn 14:3; Col 1:19-20

The Holy Spirit lives in believers renewing and transforming us, and preparing us for a home in Heaven.

Ro 8:11; 1 Co 3:16; Tit 3:5-6

We are saved and forgiven by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Eph 2:4-9; 2 Ti 1:9

The church is the worldwide family of God of which Jesus is the head. It consists of individuals and communities of believers working to make known the wisdom of God.

Eph 4:10-13; Col 1:15-18

We have a responsibility to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, make disciples, baptize believers, and model God's love.

Mt 22:37-39; Mk 16:15-16; Ro 10:14-15

Christians meet together to worship, fellowship, and remember Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.

Ac 2:42-47; Mt 26:26-28; Mt 15:8; Eph 5:19; Ro 12:1; Rev 5:6-14

Our Core Values

We Value HEARTS...

Humility, for we are all broken and in need of God’s grace.

Encouraging personal growth in knowledge and service.

Attracting individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Reaching outside the walls of our building.

Teaching God’s Word in meaningful and relevant ways.

Strengthening relationships in marriages, families and friendships.

Spiritual Growth

We believe God desires for all people who come to the Pitman Road church to grow spiritually. All living things that taste new life go through stages of growth. We also know that spiritual growth happens one small step at a time. God wants you to grow spiritually, and we would be honored to walk alongside you on that journey. We see spiritual growth happening in three simple, yet life changing stages...

Meet Jesus

Jesus is the most important person we can meet on our life journey. He can change everything. An encounter with Jesus can lead to a relationship with God, new life, forgiveness, purpose, salvation, and peace.

We invite you to continue meeting Jesus by joining us during our worship services. Some possible next steps for you may include attending a Bible class, arranging a for a Bible study, and/or learning more about our Core Beliefs and Core Values through our Starting Point group discussion.

Move into Family

God didn’t design us to travel alone on our journey. Life is done better in family. Our desire is for people to put down roots, be watered, grow, develop relationships, and feel a sense of belonging. The church family should be a safe place where individuals can grow, thrive, and produce fruit.

We invite you to continue moving into family by joining one of our LIFE Groups. Our Foundations class will explore ways we can all grow into family.

Make a Difference

We are called to be like Jesus Christ; this is a higher calling than living in family. As we grow into being more and more like Jesus, we serve others and share Jesus with them. Our church focuses on caring for people on a congregational, local, national, and global scale. A church family should be a place where individuals develop a higher calling to make a difference.

We invite you to join us in making a difference in our world. We offer a variety of ministries, mission experiences, and outreach opportunities in which we all can make a difference through serving others.